Cecil (right)
Contra 3:
The Alien Wars
Kain (left)
Map Select - Background Only Maps

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Stage Thumbnail of Area Image Size Image Type

Stage 1:
Ground Zero

Contra 3 Stage 1 Map Title 118 KB
7680 x 256

Stage 2:
Tearing up the Turnpike

Contra 3 Stage 2 Map Title 103 KB
1280 x 1024

Stage 3:
Neo Kobe Steel Factory

Contra 3 Stage 3 Map Title 156 KB
4608 x 2272

Stage 4:
Road Warriors

Contra 3 Stage 4 Map Title 66 KB
6656 x 768

Stage 5:
Nesting in the Sands

Contra 3 Stage 5 Map Title 145 KB
1024 x 2304

Stage 6:
Alien Base

Contra 3 Stage 6 Map Title 165 KB
3584 x 1504

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